Pinellas county housing authority
Pinellas county housing authority

Category: News Flash

In their own home for the Holidays…

The Lebron Family, pictured above, and four additionalPCHA Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Home Ownership Program participating families, will have their very own new homes to celebrate the holiday season in.  The musical tune “there’s no place like home for the holidays…” – now has an added warmth and bonus feeling.  Three of the five families […]

Update: Honor Flight Event at Magnolia Gardens

Pinellas County Housing Authority’s Magnolia Gardens Assisted Living Community was pleased to have Mr. Mark Welsh, of Honor Flight West Central Florida, speak to residents and guests on Wednesday afternoon, November 30th, 2016.   Several senior veterans were present to hear the details and to find out what the Honor Flight trips to Washington D.C. are […]

Special “Honor Flight” Presentation at Magnolia Gardens Open to the Public

Magnolia Gardens, an assisted living residence for seniors age 60 and older, is hosting a special “Honor Flight” presentation on Wednesday, November 30th at 3:00 pm.   Founded in 2010, “Honor Flight” recognizes and rewards war-era Veterans with an all-expenses-paid flight to the memorials in Washington, D.C that are dedicated to honor their service and sacrifices. […]

July 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks

“TRIBUTE TO PINELLAS COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY HON. DAVID W. JOLLY OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, July 7, 2016 Mr. JOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I want to recognize the Pinellas County Housing Authority (PCHA) for continuing to help our veterans. The PCHA was formed in 1965 as an independent agency. They provide more than […]

Veterans Day 2016 – Pinellas County Housing Authority Honors Veterans

Veterans Day is a day to honor America’s Veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.  The Pinellas County Housing Authority is honored to provide housing and/or rental assistance to over 500 Veterans in our community through a variety of programs. “In honor of Veterans, the […]