Pinellas county housing authority
Pinellas county housing authority

Category: News Flash


PCHA receives new funding to assist 75 additional homeless veterans

PCHA took another step forward this week toward its aim to house our nations’ veterans. Another 75 local homeless veterans will receive housing through the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing program.  “It is a great day when we can provide additional affordable housing to those men and women who so bravely served our country”, said Joseph Triolo, Chairman of PCHA’s Board of Commissioners.  PCHA also has a Veterans Preference in place for veterans currently on the waiting list for regular vouchers.

PCHA awarded funding to help promote jobs, self-sufficiency for public housing residents

HUD recently awarded the PCHA with funding from the Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency (ROSS) – Service Coordinators Program grant to offer more opportunities for its public housing residents, including self-sufficiency through employment and additional resources.

 According to HUD, the purpose of HUD’s ROSS – Service Coordinators Program is to encourage local, innovative strategies that link public housing assistance with public and private resources to enable participating families to increase earned income; reduce or eliminate the need for welfare assistance; and make progress toward achieving economic independence and housing self-sufficiency.

HUD awarded more than $31 million to housing authorities, resident associations and non-profit organizations across the U.S. The PCHA received over $240,000 over a three-year period to implement the program. PCHA’s program will correlate with its newly implemented Family Self-Sufficiency Program.

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Father’s Focused on Families Event

We hosted our first Father’s Day event centered around children of our communities either in affordable or public housing, or housing choice voucher holders. The event was dedicated to celebrating the relationship between a father and his child and the importance of that very special bond. The event took place on Saturday, June 18 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at 11443 Ulmerton Road in Largo, Florida.

There were crafts, games, vendors, food, prizes and lots of fun for Dad to particpate with his children. State Representative Darryl Rouson was the keynote speaker of the event. There were also resources for entrepreneurship, health and wellness education, job training, education information as well as a moon bounce house, face painting and free haircuts!

This event was part of a national initiative prompted by HUD and influenced by a New York City Housing Authority who launched a similar successful event last year.

Family Self- Sufficiency program to be implemented in PCHA’s Public Housing communities

PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA – HUD recently awarded the PCHA with funding for a Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Coordinator. This funding will allow for the implementation of the FSS Program in PCHA’s public housing communities. Through the FSS program,  PCHA will work directly with residents to connect them with local education and training opportunities; job placement organizations; and local employers.  Each participating family will sign an FSS Contract of Participation and will identify their goals and the steps necessary to achieve their goals.

The purpose of the program is to encourage innovative strategies that link public housing assistance with other resources to enable participating families to increase income from employment; reduce or substantially eliminate the need for welfare assistance; and make progress toward achieving economic independence and self-sufficiency.