Pinellas county housing authority
Pinellas county housing authority


Click the link below for further information regarding Housing Choice Voucher forms.

Housing Choice Voucher – Section 8

Rainbow Village

General Forms

Form NameDescritption
Change Form complete-formApplicants
The formal name of this form is the Interim Change Form. Current tenants complete this form to report any and all changes in household income, family composition (adding or deleting household members) or child care expenses. Applicants would also complete this form to report changes in their mailing address.
Disability Verification Form complete-formA household with a disabled member should complete this form to request an accommodation that is not the standard policy or procedure for the housing authority.
* Formulario de verificación de discapacidad complete-formUn hogar con un miembro discapacitado debe completar este formulario para solicitar una adaptación que no sea la política o el procedimiento estándar de la autoridad de vivienda.
Live in Verification Form complete-formTenants who require a live-in-aide need the live-in-aide to complete this application.
* Vivir en forma de verificación complete-formLos inquilinos que requieren un ayudante residente necesitan el ayudante residente para completar esta solicitud.
Medical Equipment-Disability Verification Form complete-formMedical Equipment-Disability Verification Form
Under certain circumstances, a tenant may request an additional bedroom for medical equipment as a reasonable accommodation if it the equipment is determined to be a medical necessity and it is large enough that it cannot be stored in other areas of the house.
* Formulario de verificación de discapacidad de equipo médico complete-formFormulario de verificación de discapacidad de equipo médico
Bajo ciertas circunstancias, un inquilino puede solicitar un dormitorio adicional para equipo médico como una adaptación razonable si se determina que el equipo es una necesidad médica y es lo suficientemente grande como para que no se pueda almacenar en otras áreas de la casa.
Rent from Relative Form complete-formTenants
Tenants complete this form to be eligible to pay rent to a relative.
* Alquiler de forma relativa complete-formInquilinos
Los inquilinos completan este formulario para ser elegibles para pagar el alquiler a un pariente.
Supplement to Application for Federally Assisted Housing complete-formApplicants
New applicants complete this form to list an emergency contact person or agency. If an applicant chooses not to identify an emergency contact, they are still required to sign the form indicating they were given the chance to complete the form.