Pinellas county housing authority
Pinellas county housing authority


PCHA has partnered with the Florida Department of Children and Families ACCESS (Automated Community Connection to Economic Self-Sufficiency) program as a self-service site. Our Resident Services & Programs Department located at the central office in Largo provides equipment such as computers, printer, phone and fax to assist residents when applying for various government assistance programs like temporary cash assistance, Medicaid and food stamps.

Residents are able to use the computers to check the status of an application or determination of benefits, report a change or open an account online.  Informational flyers and brochures will be available at this location to keep residents aware of current programs and benefits available to them. The goal of the ACCESS program is to strengthen Florida families through private, community and inter-agency partnerships that promote economic self-sufficiency and PCHA fully supports this valuable program for our residents.